Monday, 25 July 2016

Learning Red hat - A Linux OS

An operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware. It also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediate between the user and the computer hardware.

A computer system can be divided roughly into four components:
  • The Hardware
  • The Operating System
  • The Application Programs
  • The Users
The Hardware - provides the basic computing resources with the help of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the memory, the input/output devices.
The Application Programs -  They define the ways in which these resources are used to solve user's computing problems. For instance, word processors, spreadsheets, compilers, web browsers, etc.
The Operating system is similar to a government. Like a government, it performs no useful function by itself. It simply provides an environment within which user or other programs can do useful work.

Most of us are acquainted with the Windows operating system, provided by Microsoft. Aside this, there are other operating systems like Linux, Unix, Solaris, etc.
Each OS(operating system) is different from another as they use different scheduling algorithms, solve their critical section problems differently, that is, they perform the tasks in different ways.

So, lets start understanding Linux operating system. In the next posts on this topic we will be using Red Hat OS (v 7.1).

In 1969 three software engineers,
  • Dennis Ritchie
  • Richard Stallman
  • Ken Thompson
developed an operating system named 'UNIX'.

UNIX was based on C programming language. It was not open source but hardware dependent like HP to HP, or IBM to IBM, etc. It was set up in Bell Labs at AT&T (American Telecom and Telegraph) Company.

In  1991, Linus Torvalds, a student of Helsinki University developed "MINIX" kernel and developed a new OS known as LINUX.

LINUX is an open source OS. It is not hardware dependent.

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